This report captures various health-related policies and practices that were implemented inside prisons and other places of detention during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is intended as a resource for policy-makers, prison managers and health-in-prisons practitioners, highlighting the preparedness, responsiveness, risk assessment, risk mitigation and case man
agement of COVID-19 inside prisons. The report presents good practices from countries and regions, selected according to specific criteria, in enhancement of health-care practices in prisons. It is structurally based on, and thematically complementary to, Preparedness, prevention and control of COVID-19 in prisons and other places of detention: interim guidance, developed by the WHO Regional Office for Europe and issued in March 2020 (‎revised February 2021)‎. The robust methodology used to capture good practices and their selection within a fixed submission window within 2020 mean that some developments in response measures in prisons could not be covered in this report.