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The director’s act as representatives of shareholders and work with utmost faith and degree of honesty in protecting long term aims of wealth maximization of the association.



• The President chairs all regular and extraordinary meetings of the Executive Board, the Board of Directors and the General Assembly

• Makes comments and suggestions to the decisions and activities of HWB’s Board of Directors. He/she can also promote new projects which he/she considers particularly significant for the Federation’s objectives.

• In case of absence, the President is replaced by the Vice-President.


  • carries out the membership fees duty collection

  • general supervision of the financial affairs of the HWB

  • custodian of all funds – keeps the financial records updated


It meets at least every three years, normally at the Congress of the European Federation. It is open to all members and its functions are: discuss important topics, approve new projects, discuss about ongoing projects, approve byelaws and changes within HWB.


The Board of Directors can appoint working groups on different issues:

  • infectious diseases,

  • drug and/or alcohol addiction,

  • mental disorders,

  • hygiene,

  • disease prevention,

  • human rights.

Each Working Group is composed of experts in the referred field. It reports regularly its activities and researches to HWB.


  • general supervision of the meetings and keep the minutes.

  • distributes copies of the minutes to each of the Board members, to the National Societies and to the individual members.

  • updates HWB membership contact lists.


Dr. Fadi Meroueh is currently a Hospital Practitioner and Head of the Health Unit of the Villeneuve-les-Maguelone prison, which is a part of Montpellier’s University Hospital. He is the president of HWB since July 2018. 

Healthcare ethics: Over his 22 years of experience in healthcare in prison, he witnessed major reforms of the legal framework of detained person’s healthcare. Initially under the authority of the Ministry of Justice, the Health Unit in Prison are now administrated by the Ministry of Health. This reform came with the official duty of providing healthcare services in prison equal to those provided outside.
Addictions and Hepatitis C : The eradication of Hepatitis C within the prison of Villeneuve-les-Maguelone is a major achievement and the first of its kind in Europe and North America. This result was obtained through a combination of prevention (testing systematically offered, NEP), medication and support from the medical staff. Despite this shift in principle, Dr Meroueh has been fighting administrative obstruction and reticence in order to effectively achieve equal and adequate care for his patients. For instance, one of his fight was to put into place a needles exchange program (NEP). While the program is now functioning, it still faces opposition from the Prison Administration.

Continuity of care: Preparation for release is also one of the biggest issue. Most patients find themselves without social security rights and without housing upon release. In order to ensure a continuity of care between prison and the outside, Dr. Meroueh also have a weekly activity in an associative addiction center called “Arc-en-Ciel” in Montpellier. He holds there visiting hours dedicated to the management of Hepatitis C for PWID. 

He also is an expert consultant for various French and European organizations.

Representative for HWB

  • Fadi Meroueh

  • Michel Westra

  • Ciryl Manzanera

  • Ruth Gray

  • Juan Antonio Gonzalez Gomez

  • Pending?

  • Vinciane Saliez

Individual Members


  • Enggist, Stefan Switzerland

  • Lehmann, Marc Berlin, Germany

  • Mihailescu, Lucia Bucharest, Romania

  • Monarca, Roberto Viterbo, Italy

  • Morgado, Rui Porto, Portugal

  • Wolff, Hans Switzerland

  • Dijk, Franck Netherland

  • John Wooldrige UK









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