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European Conference on Health Care in Prison in
+ Side event at Lisbon Addictions 2024
DAY1 :
🌞 Monday 21/10 Morning: Session with "Rise Vac" on vaccination in European prisons
🌙 Monday 21/10 Afternoon: Joint session with the "European Group on Gender and Drugs"
DAY2 :
Tuesday 22/10 will be dedicated to the healthcare of individuals in prison, discussing both the thematic focus and the call for abstracts.
The forth European Conference on Health Care in Prison aims to combine daily practice with scientific theory and evidence. The 2024 conference offers space for discussion and exchange in order to provide the urgently needed answers to key challenges faced by health care professionals and people living in prison on a daily basis.
The conference wishes active involvement of people from practice, research and monitoring, law enforcement agencies, international organisations, NGOs as well as administrators or people with personal prison experience. We therefore request your active contribution to the program.
Please submit best practice experiences, research results, new policy orientations, reviews or other suggestions, such as artistic contributions.
The form can range from a lecture, the moderation of a working group with input presentation, short, interactive presentations or a poster.
Thematically your contribution should relate to health in detention and be assigned to one of the following areas:
o Human rights
o Determinants of health (social, architectural, overcrowding, management,…)
o NCDs (Non-Communicable Diseases)
o Drug use, addiction and treatment, including harm reduction
o Independent monitoring of places of detention
o Wellbeing of staff
o Interfaces / cooperation inside-outside and throughcare
o Representation of detained persons
o Your suggestions :
- mental health issues (psychiatry, isolation..),
- medical and ethical issues related to means of restraint and involuntary treatment
- medical management of hungerstrikers
- infectious diseases, in particular related to Covid-19
- safety management (management of incidents/calamities of care, death in custody, medication safety…)
- detention of migrants, elderly persons and LGBTIQ+
- detention of women: health and social issues
- new approaches to health treatment in prison, including telemedicine
Please send a short summary (abstracts no longer than 300 words) in English to the organization office until June 30, 2024: email, which is also available for further questions. Please provide your complete contact details when submitting the abstract (postal address and email) and indicate your preferred presentation format(s) (poster, oral presentation, workshop or if you don’t have a preference). Please note that the scientific committee* might not be able to respect all preferences.
The scientific committee* will assess the abstracts and will send you notification of your submission by mid/end of July 2024.
If accepted, the scientific committee* will assign the abstracts to the forms of work (lecture, workshop, short communications, Corner Stone Lab, poster, reading) and integrate them into the conference program.
For further information and insights into previous congresses and results, we recommend our website:
*members of the scientific committee: Cyril Manzanera (France), Fadi Meroueh (France), Linda Montanari (Portugal), Jörg Pont (Austria), Michel Westra (Netherlands), Marion Guemas (Belgium), Elena Leclerc (ICRC), Filipa Alves Da Costa (WHO Europe),
Lara Tavoschi (Italia).
Fadi MEROUEH, HWB President