4th Conference on Health in Prison
21 October 2024:
9:45 am - Final Event of the RISE-Vac Project
Welcome and objectives: F. Meroueh / L. Tavoschi
Vaccination in prison: where do we stand
HIPED data: F. Da Costa
RISE-Vac data: E. De Vita
Situation outside Europe: Elena Leclerc
10:15 am - Fostering Vaccination Culture in Prison
Codevelopment of interventions for staff and materials developed and available: J. Harper
Codevelopment of interventions for PLP: Femi or P. Harriott
Case study 1: Moldova: I. Barbirosh
Case study 2: France: A. Mieuset
Case study 3: Cyprus: I. Stylianos / O. Tasos
11:00 am - Coffee Break
11:30 am - RISE-Vac’s Guidance Document on How to Increase VU in Prison Settings
Introduction: L. Tavoschi
Group Work: Participants divided into 5 groups to discuss specific chapters of the guidance and opportunities/challenges for implementation in other countries/prison institutions (10-minute shifts at corner tables).
12:30 pm - Plenary Return of Groups' Work
12:45 pm - Conclusions
1:00 pm - Light Lunch
2:00 pm - Women, Drugs, Prison: A Global Perspective
SESSION 1 – Key Issues for Women in Prison and Drug-Related Problems: Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East
Chairs: Fadi Meroueh (Health Without Barriers) and Linda Montanari (EUDA, European Group on Gender and Drugs)
Women, drugs, prison: key issues (European perspective?): Linda Montanari, EMCDDA
Drug trafficking in female prison population in Latin America: Name TBD, COPOLAD
Role of stigma among women in prison in the Middle East: Elie Aaraj, Executive Director, Menhara
3:50 pm - Coffee Break
4:00 pm - SESSION 2 - Key Issues for Women in Prison and Drug-Related Problems: Africa, North America, and Australia
Chairs: TBD
Gender-based violence and women in prison using drugs in Africa: Fatou Kine Dieng, Médecin Légiste, Sénégal
Addressing drug use and motherhood among women in prison in North America: TBD
Ethnic minorities women in prison for drug-related crimes in Australia: TBD
SESSION 3 – Testimonials: Learning from Direct Experience
Chair: Sofia Ribeiro, EMCDDA, COPOLAD
Maria: Trajectories of a woman who had used drugs and is living in prison in Portugal
5:30 pm - Conclusions
7:30 pm - Gala Dinner
22 October 2024
9:00 am - Session on Addiction: OFDT/EUDA
Drug use in French prisons: Results of the ESSPRI survey
The emergence of synthetic opioids: Daan van der Gouwe
Implementing Long Acting Injectable Buprenorphine (LAIB) in Correctional Centres in NSW, Australia: Dr. Jillian Roberts
Impact of long-acting depot buprenorphine post-release from custody – Early findings from the Release Study: Bethany White
Experiences of Introducing Long Acting Injectable Buprenorphine as an Opioid Dependency Treatment in Scottish Prisons: TBD
RDR awareness project within the Brussels prison cell (PIRATE project): Kris Meurant
11:10 am - Coffee Break
11:40 am - Session EUDA/ECDC/INHSU
12:40 pm: Integrated TB treatment for people in prison: Svetlana Doltu
1:00 pm - Light Lunch
2:00 pm - Session UNODC
Introduction: Ehab Salah (UNODC)
2:30 pm - Session EPLN/Human Rights
Introduction: Julia Krikorian (EPLN)
Health disparities and overrepresentation of First Nations people in prison: Michael Doyle
Project on the return of Ukrainian prisoners who were illegally transported from Kherson region to Russian prisons: TBD
Closing the gap: Human rights standards and harm reduction in prisons worldwide: Cinzia Bentrari
4:00 pm - Health Session
Continuity of healthcare during entry and release from prison: The situation in Belgium, innovative initiatives – I.Care
Multidisciplinary competency framework for practice and intervention in correctional settings: TBD
Reference and interprofessional collaboration platform in correctional settings: My Connected Community in Social Inclusion (MC2IS)
5:00 pm - Continuity of Care / Cornerstone
Voices inside: Exploring the perceptions of imprisoned people with the “RadioATIVIDADE” artistic intervention program – Isabel Silva
Menstrual poverty and gender inequalities in a prison context: Nisa, Andreia
23 October 2024
9:00 am - 11:00 am - Prison Visit